For me Seymour Norte is one of the most fascinating islands, unfortunately we had only one hour time there as we visited it on our last day from 6 until 7 in the morning as the boat returned at 8 to Puerto Ayora. Most people flew home with the 10 am plane. (and they count this day as the 8th day cruise!)
in Seymour Norte lives a colony of frigate birds. On the other islands, mating time is around February. It seems that this is the only island where there are always some male frigates in mating mood. And when they are in mating mood, they blow up a red sack they have under their neck. Carlos told us this can take up to 40 minutes. And then they pose and show their beauty to attract the females.
I was wondering if it feels comfortable to have such a big sack under the beak.... but it looks beautiful, and the females think so too
can you figure that one out?
This photo reminds me of the following sentence: Love isn't looking at each other, it is looking together at the same direction.
and what I love about the frigates, not only the female sits in the nest brooding over the nest, the male does too, sometimes for a week while the female goes fishing

and here a female in her nest
They are the most fascinating birds. To attract the females, the males also open their wings
and here one more female in her nest.
and a last male frigate in mating mood sitting on a tree.
what is she wispering in his ear?
and some beautiful iguanas
and, naturally, sea lions
We had the oportunity to see, from far, a booby dance. The male booby performs a dance to conquer a female. First she pretends not to be interested. Notice: The male is opening his wings, part of the dance, and she turns away.
he keeps on dancing
Isn't that gorgeous?Sometimes 2-3 males perform at the same time, hoping to get her attention. After the dance, the male booby brings a little branch to the female in his beak. If she accepts it, they are engaged.
in Seymour Norte lives a colony of frigate birds. On the other islands, mating time is around February. It seems that this is the only island where there are always some male frigates in mating mood. And when they are in mating mood, they blow up a red sack they have under their neck. Carlos told us this can take up to 40 minutes. And then they pose and show their beauty to attract the females.
I was wondering if it feels comfortable to have such a big sack under the beak.... but it looks beautiful, and the females think so too
can you figure that one out?
This photo reminds me of the following sentence: Love isn't looking at each other, it is looking together at the same direction.
and what I love about the frigates, not only the female sits in the nest brooding over the nest, the male does too, sometimes for a week while the female goes fishing

and here a female in her nest
They are the most fascinating birds. To attract the females, the males also open their wings
and here one more female in her nest.
and a last male frigate in mating mood sitting on a tree.
what is she wispering in his ear?
and what is he answering her?
and here, the result of a big love.
we also saw some other birds on Seymour Norteand some beautiful iguanas
and, naturally, sea lions
We had the oportunity to see, from far, a booby dance. The male booby performs a dance to conquer a female. First she pretends not to be interested. Notice: The male is opening his wings, part of the dance, and she turns away.
he keeps on dancing
Isn't that gorgeous?Sometimes 2-3 males perform at the same time, hoping to get her attention. After the dance, the male booby brings a little branch to the female in his beak. If she accepts it, they are engaged.
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