Dienstag, 10. März 2015

Quito's botanic garden

Dear everybody
I already had written this post when I was in Quito but somehow it got lost. So here it goes again.
Quito has a small but very beeautiful bitranic garden, with the prettieest orchid house I have seen so far. Equador has a surface area of 272045 square kilometers, that is 0,17% of the planet's surface but it his among the first 10 countries in biodiversity. 18% of the country is protected area in national parks, still Ecuador is on second place regarding deforestation in South America losing 250.000 hectars of forest each year. Ecuador has 4032 kinds of orchids which has been classified and 400 more being classified. 1710 of these are endemic, that means, they grow only in Ecuador! Ecuador is in the first place on our planet regarding biodiversity of plants .
Let me take you for a tour through the orchid house and garden of Quito's botanic garden.

and let me finish the tour with a few other pretty plants:
Isn't that a pretty pot for a bonsai?

Have a good day!

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