Freitag, 23. Januar 2015

more Cartagena

Dear everybody
As I inserted so many Fotos of Cartagena in my last post, i have to write another one about Cartagena. 

In the evening it becomes magical. The little parks and squares are beautifully lit , vendors spread their self made jewelry and other artesania, singers stand or sit in front of the restaurants singing beautiful Colombian songs for the guests with the hope of earning some money, 

This evening, as I was walking through the streets, I saw a few drummers going somewhere so I followed them, expecting something interesting. As they arrived on Bolivar square there were already dancers waiting for them and they made a beautiful show. These pictures were taken in the evening with my new camera, it is amazing, it looks like daylight, and it was already getting dark.

Some more of the magical atmosphere in the evening in Cartagena:

Cartagena is a city full of art. It has a beautiful modern art museum and also so much art outside on the streets, and people selling pictures of famous artists (not the original, as you can imagine) 

and a woman, who might have posed as model:

Some of my favorites in the museum if modern art:
I loved this sign on the door of the women toilet:
The whole city is so colorful. And so many exotic fruits I have never seen before.

and the lunch at my favorite restaurant, La Mulata, just unbelievable. 
When you leave the ciudad amurallada, just outside the walls, the world already looks different, but fascinating too.
You can get a pedicure on the street
or have somebody write a letter for you (notice the typewriter!) or fill out some documents for social security or whatever

people who get tired just take a nap

Back to ciudad amurallada: some gorgeous trees
one of my favorite streets

and the amazing fortress the Cartagenians buit to defend their city:
look how thick it is!
with real long tunnels inside

and some last impressions from Cartagena, before I leave tomorrow for Santa Marta:

and also interesting, in the new modern city the highest concentration of high rises is on a narrow stripe of land with the ocean on both sides.
Have a good night!

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